Urea with sulfur coating S.C.U

Urea with sulfur coating S.C.U


Urea fertilizer with sulfur coating containing 30 to 40 percent

nitrogen and between 15 and 20 percent of sulfur


Urea fertilizer is one of those fertilizers that are soluble in water. Generally, water-soluble fertilizers are covered with a layer of sulfur so that the materials in the fertilizer are gradually released and absorbed by the soil and plants. Among this category of fertilizers, urea fertilizer with sulfur coating is one of the most common types.

In sulfur coated urea fertilizer, hot urea is coated with molten sulfur and the sulfur surface is covered with a layer of polyethylene or micro crystal wax.

Urea fertilizer with sulfur coating has a very good performance in the soil, and since urea fertilizer alone has low efficiency and leads to nitrate pollution in the soil and underground resources, it is recommended to use urea fertilizer with sulfur coating.

Normally, urea fertilizer with sulfur coating contains 30 to 40% nitrogen and between 15 to 20% sulfur. By using urea fertilizer with sulfur coating, not only the nitrogen needed by the soil is provided, but the sulfur layer in this fertilizer prevents the leaching of nitrogen to a great extent.


Fertility of the soil and increase in yield are other advantages of using urea fertilizer with sulfur coating.

Urea fertilizer with sulfur coating increases the ability to absorb micronutrients.

Nitrate pollution in soil and underground water is reduced.

The sulfur coating in this fertilizer prevents the plant from burning due to high consumption of urea.

The sulfur coating in this fertilizer increases the activity level of bacteria and beneficial soil microbes.

The amount and method of consumption

Urea fertilizer with sulfur coating is suitable for any type of agricultural and horticultural cultivation, and of course it should be mentioned that in horticultural purposes, this fertilizer is used as chalk fertilizer and in agricultural fields it should be placed under the plow so that it can Gradually release urea and supply the nitrogen needed by the plant.


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