Any type of mineral, organic or biological substance that contains nutrients needed by plants and increases soil fertility as well as increasing the quantitative and qualitative yield of the product is called fertilizer.
Chemical fertilizers can be considered as one of the most important and strategic types of agricultural fertilizers among farmers since World War II onwards, which is due to their easy access, use in small quantities, but higher efficiency and ease of working with it. Chemical fertilizers are composed of mineral substances that are easily decomposed and absorbed and are produced industrially and are available in various forms such as powder, granules, solution and gas, which play an important role in supplying plant nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Compared to other types of fertilizers, these fertilizers have a much higher purity of nutrients and a faster and more impressive effect.
Organic or organic fertilizers are recycled materials from human, animal, vegetable and other numerous products and living organisms in nature. Types of organic fertilizers include: animal manure, compost of crop waste and tobacco and sugar factory waste, compost from plant waste, compost from fermentation of urban garbage, urban sewage and sugarcane waste.
Biological or biological fertilizers are the new generation of fertilizers, which are actually useful microorganisms that increase the absorption of elements and stabilize them. The constituents of biological fertilizers are bacteria and fungi, which are also very useful for plant growth. This type of fertilizer has phosphate, iron and potassium, and for this reason, in addition to having a practical role in absorbing nutrients; They are also part of natural fertilizers.
Chemical fertilizers are classified based on the nutrients in them. The difference of these fertilizers is in their composition and percentage of purity, which also causes the method of using fertilizer for the plant, the time of fertilization and the effectiveness of the fertilizer on the plant to be different.
Nitrogen is the most consumed food element needed by plants. The plant absorbs nitrogen in the form of nitrate, ammonium ion and urea. Nitrogen plays an important role in the process of plant growth and development as well as strengthening the product and increasing its weight.
Some nitrogen fertilizers are::
2- Phosphate (P) fertilizers: After nitrogen fertilizers, this type of chemical fertilizers is considered the most widely used type of fertilizer in the world. These compounds are necessary for the proper growth of plant roots. They help to increase the harvest yield and increase the resistance of plants against various diseases.
Potassium affects the quality, size and appearance of the fruit. Increases drought tolerance by increasing root growth. It also plays a role in photosynthesis and food production. This type of fertilizer also helps the overall growth of the plant, especially the growth of its roots, and increases its resistance to various diseases.
Some Potassium Fertilizers:
Fertilizer that has all three essential elements, nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus, is called complete fertilizer or NPK. This fertilizer helps the growth of all plants by providing the mentioned elements and is considered one of the most widely used types of fertilizer. This fertilizer is available in the market in both powder and liquid form.
Chemical fertilizers, which are low consumption fertilizers and consist of materials such as zinc, iron, and manganese.
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