


1.5% nitrogen

Phosphorus 2%

potassium 3%

Magnesium 1.2%

كلسيم 1.9%

گوگرد 1.8%

و عناصر ريزمغذی بر، مس، آهن، منگنز، موليبدن، روی

و عناصر بسيار ريزمغذی ليتيوم، باريوم، فلور، يد، سيليس، آلومينيوم، كبالت، نيكل و…


Seaweed fertilizer is an organic fertilizer and consists of algae found in seas and beaches. In general, organic fertilizers such as seaweed have a slower and long-term effect on plants, but in addition to the positive effects they have on plants, they also improve the soil to some extent and do not harm the environment and soil.


Stimulating and increasing rooting of cuttings

Increasing the percentage of seed germination

Increase in plant leaf area

Increasing plant resistance to various environmental stresses

Better absorption of nutrients from the soil and ultimately increase production efficiency.

Amount and method of consumption

In the irrigation method, you should mix powdered or liquid seaweed fertilizer with water and then pour it on the plant you want using a sprinkler so that it is absorbed by the roots and leaves its desired effects. In the fertilizer hole method, you should also use seaweed fertilizer in powder form and then make a hole at the foot of your desired plant.


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