Chicken Manure (granules and pellets)

Chicken Manure (granules and pellets)


pure chicken manure 80%

bentonite and zeolite 20%

organic matter 25%

organic carbon 15%

نیتروژن کل 4%

فسفر محلول 2%

پتاسیم محلول 2%


This fertilizer is produced from the best and purest type of chicken manure, which is enriched with sulfur and humic acid. This fertilizer, with its high organic matter and abundant microorganisms in the often poor soils of Iran, has a very significant effect and improves the physical and chemical condition of the soil, in addition, it contains micro elements including iron, zinc, copper, manganese and … is also


Chicken plate prevents soil erosion;

It is remarkably efficient

It has long-term effects on the soil

Improves soil structure

It has a corrective role in the agricultural industry

It has a high level of humus

Amount and method of consumption

Agricultural: 500 to 1500 kg per hectare at the beginning of planting or with a seed breaker

Orchards: 0.5 to 1.5 kg per tree depending on the age and variety of fruit trees in the form of chalkood or strip placement


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