Boric acid H3BO3

Boric acid H3BO3


Minimum Boron 17%

Minimum water insoluble matter 1.2%

Maximum chloride 1%


Boron is one of the essential elements for the survival of living organisms. This element plays an essential role in root longitudinal growth, nucleic and hydrocarbon metabolisms, germination and pollen tube growth, and increasing plant resistance to diseases and cold. Increasing the percentage of sugar in sugar beet, preventing the bursting of melons and preventing the black frame of some agricultural products are among its functions.

Boron deficiency is observed in coarse-textured calcareous soils with low organic matter percentage, especially in sugar beet fields, fruit trees, cotton, oilseeds, fodder, cereals and ornamental flowers.


Flowering, symbiotic divisions, fruit formation, fruit growth, inoculation and many other events within the plant are carried out at a higher speed due to the presence of boric acid.

Using this substance will not cause cancer or genetic mutations.

This material dissolves easily in water and that is why boric acid is widely used in agriculture.

Increasing the resistance of plants to cold and plant diseases is another reason for using this material in agriculture.

Amount and method of consumption

Trees: In winter, in the middle part of the shade, along with organic fertilizer, sulfur, etc., in the form of chalk fertilizer or channel fertilizer, 100 to 150 grams per fertile tree should be used.

Agricultural plants: When preparing the seed bed, use 50 to 80 kg of subsoil along with other winter fertilizers.

Foliar spraying: Fruit trees should be sprayed with a ratio of 3 to 5 per thousand, and crops should be sprayed with a ratio of 3 to 4 per thousand liters of water.


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