Granular and liquid humic acid

Granular and liquid humic acid


Humic acid (Leonardite) 20% – 25%

organic matter 46%

2% soluble potassium


Humic acid as an organic substance and soil conditioner can directly have positive effects on plant growth. The growth of the shoot and root of the plant is stimulated by humic acid, but its effect is more prominent on the root, providing mineral elements for the root, improving the soil structure and thus increasing the permeability, increasing the population of soil microorganisms and balancing the pH of the soil, among other effects. The use of humic acid.


Increasing the performance and quality of products

Increasing the efficiency of using other fertilizers

Stability and maintenance of more cationic and anionic nutrients and preventing their leaching

Helping to absorb and transport micronutrient elements in aerial organs

Increase rooting power and root growth

Increasing the water storage capacity and improving the efficiency of water consumption in disturbed products

Increasing the population of beneficial soil microorganisms

Improving physical conditions and increasing soil organic matter

Reducing the toxicity of fertilizers and additional elements in the soil

Amount and method of consumption

Agricultural 200 to 500 kg/ha during planting or with a seedbed breaker

Orchards: 0.5 to 2 kg per tree depending on the age and variety of fruit trees in the form of chalk or strips


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