Organic Phosphate

Organic Phosphate


organic materials 16%

organic carbon 9%

elemental sulfur 10%

total phosphorus 6%

ازت 1%

پتاس 1%

ریزمغذی 1%


Organic phosphate is one of domestically produced fertilizers that contains sulfur, concentrated phosphate soil and organic materials. Organic phosphate is a bio-fertilizer containing phosphate, which can meet the plant’s phosphorus requirement under favorable conditions. In addition, due to the local decrease in pH, the nutritional needs of the products for zinc and iron are also met.


Increasing the efficiency of phosphorus absorption

Increased absorption of micro elements

Increasing the quantitative and qualitative performance of the product

Increase soil organic matter

Amount and method of consumption

Agricultural: 200 to 400 kg per hectare

Orchards: 0.5 to 2 kg per tree, depending on the age and variety of the fruit trees, in the form of chalkood or strip placement.


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