Potassium sulfate (Suloptas) K2SO4

Potassium sulfate (Suloptas) K2SO4


potassium oxide k2o 51%

sulfur so3 46%


Potassium sulfate fertilizer consists of two elements, sulfur and potassium. This fertilizer is also known by the brand name Solo Potash. Potassium is one of the elements that is abundantly found in the earth’s crust, so that there are no restrictions in accessing potassium resources.


The use of potash solution around the root causes absorption of micronutrient elements and phosphate in plants.

Increases plant growth.

Potassium sulfate increases the resistance of plants against pests and diseases.

It causes root development.

It increases the quality and performance of the plant.

It increases the coloring of the fruit.

It improves the taste of the fruit.

Amount and method of consumption

The amount of Soluptas fertilizer used is 100 to 150 grams per tree.

You can use 10 to 15 kg of Soluptas fertilizer for each hectare.

For foliar application, you should dissolve 100 to 120 grams of fertilizer in one liter of water.

Since the absorption of potassium fertilizer required by plants is more in the early stages of growth, it is better to use this fertilizer when planting the crop, in the early stages of growth, before the beginning of fruit growth in early spring, and during fruit growth. In fruit trees, for greater effectiveness, it is better to use solo potash after flowering and during the growth period. Of course, the time of fruit ripening is also a good time to use this fertilizer.


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