Complete fertilizer 36-12-12

Complete fertilizer 36-12-12


total nitrogen 12%

absorbable phosphorus 12%

soluble potassium 36%


Complete potash fertilizer with 12-36-12 increases the growth and quality of crops in agricultural and garden plants. Plants need a lot of potassium, potassium is a dynamic element and in case of deficiency, it is transferred to young and reproductive tissues. This fertilizer is one of the compound fertilizers that includes nitrogen, phosphorus, potash, magnesium, iron, zinc, manganese, copper and boron elements in appropriate proportions.


Completely soluble in water

Contains the main elements of NPK

Increasing the quantitative and qualitative performance of the product

Improving color, taste and fruit formation

Amount and method of consumption

After the flowering and fruiting of the plant, the best time to use fertilizer is 12-36-12. Correct and timely use of this fertilizer can increase the color and glaze of fruits and bring you very best-selling products.


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